The IAGRG Organization

The aim of IAGRG is to promote interest in the phenomena related to Gravitation and to facilitate research in the related areas.

The Constitution

The organizational structure of the IAGRG is stipulated in the Constitution. Link to constitution is given here.

The Council

Its functioning is governed by The Council, consisting of Office bearers, elected by the IAGRG members.


On behalf of The Council, Ms. Nirupama Bawdekar (reachable at takes care of the administrative matters at the Association headquarters at IUCAA, Pune.

General Body meets

The General Body meets during the IAGRG Meetings, held approximately once in two years. The proceedings of the General Body Meetings are recorded in the Transcripts of the Minutes.

Some of the Resolutions

Here are a few important resolutions regarding membership.

Office bearers of IAGRG

  • Sumati Surya (President)
  • Anjan Ananda Sen (Secretary)
  • Sudipta Sarkar
  • K. G. Arun
  • Atri Deshamukhya
  • S. Shankaranarayanan
  • Rajesh Nayak
  • Ayan Chatterjee

The Constitution

  1. Registration Number
  2. Name of the Association
  3. Objectives
  4. Head Quarters
  5. Eligibility for Membership
  6. Application Procedure
  7. Membership Dues
  8. Council and its powers
  9. Election of the Council
  10. Publication of Audited Accounts
  11. General Body Meeting
  12. Publications of the Association
  13. Financial Year
  14. Dissolution
  1. Registration (Trust) No. of the Association: F-0002402 (PUN).
  2. Name:
    The Association shall be called The Indian Association for General Relativity and Gravitation. It will be registered under the Societies Registration Act of 1860.
  3. Objectives:
    The objectives of the Association shall be the promotion of study and research in Relativity, Gravitation and allied topics.
  4. Head-quarters:
    The head-quarters of the Association shall be at Pune.
  5. Persons eligible for membership:
    All persons interested in the objectives of the Association shall be eligible for membership of the Association.
  6. Application for membership:
    Persons applying for membership must be proposed by one member and seconded by another member of the Association.
  7. Dues:
    1. The annual dues for membership shall be Rs.10/- payable in advance on the 1 of January. Each application for membership shall be accompanied by a full year's dues. This amount shall be credited towards the member's dues for calendar year in question;
    2. On payment of Rs.100/- in one sum, a member of the Association can become a Life-member, and shall thereafter be exempt from further dues.
  8. The council and its powers:
    The affairs of the Association shall be managed by a Council consisting of a President, one Secretary and six additional members. The Council shall be elected as provided in Rule 8, and shall have power --
    1. to elect new members,
    2. to elect as Patrons or as Honorary Members persons distinguished in Relativity, Gravitation, Cosmology and allied subjects,
    3. to frame such bye-laws, not inconsistent with the articles of constitution, as may appear necessary,
    4. to accept endowments for special purposes connected with objects of the Association, and
    5. generally, to deal with all matters pertaining to the management of the Association.
  9. Mode of election of the Council:
    The Council shall be reconstituted every two years as under:
      1. The President shall not be eligible for re-election,
      2. The Secretary shall be eligible for re-election,
      3. Of the additional six members, three shall retire every two years in rotation, -- this rotation to be determined in the first instance by lot or voluntary retirement, and subsequently by seniority in longest continuous standing, such retiring members shall not be eligible, except as President, for re-election the same year, but may be re-nominated in any subsequent re-constitution of the Council.
    1. The retiring Council shall prepare, every two years, a list of nominees, one for each vacancy arising in conformity with provision (a) of this rule, for election to the new Council, and the list together with information relating to the manner in which the vacancies have arisen, shall be mailed to all members of the Association not later than first day of December in the year in which the election is due.
      Any member of the Association may submit an alternative list of nominees for some or all of the vacancies notified by retiring Council, only such nominations being considered valid as are supported, in writing, by not less than two different members (excluding the nominee), and received before the day fixed for the purpose. The interval between the date of mailing of the Council's nomination and the last date for the receipt of alternative nominations shall be not less than 20 days.
      The nominations made by the retiring Council with an indication to that effect, together with other valid nominations made by members, shall be submitted to the General Body consisting of all members of the Association by means of ballot papers sent by post. The election of members to the Council from among those so nominated shall be by secret ballot to be conducted by post. A simple majority shall determine the result of the election in each case, and in each of those cases where there is a tie arising from the absence of a majority in favour of any particular nominee, final election shall be determined either by voluntary withdrawal on the part of all contestants but one or by the remaining members of the Council.
    2. Only members of good standing shall be eligible for election to the Council and for exercising the vote. A member shall be considered to be of good standing if his membership dues have been fully paid for all those years preceding the year in which the election takes place.
    3. In case a vacancy in the office of the President or any other member of the Council owing to resignation or otherwise, the remaining members of the Council shall appoint his successor for the remainder of his term of office.
    4. The effect of casual vacancy on the decision of the Council: No decision of the Council shall be invalid merely on the ground that the office of the President or other member of the Council was vacant at the time of the decision.
  10. Publication of audited accounts: The Council shall publish one every year, not later than the month of April of that year, duly audited accounts for the previous year.
  11. General Body Meeting:
    1. There shall be a general meeting of the members of the Association as a part of the activities of the periodical conferences held once every year. The agenda for the meeting shall be sent to all members at least one month before the first day of the conference. The quorum for such a meeting shall be 15 members or 20 percent, of the total number of members whichever is greater.
    2. Amendments to resolutions in the Agenda, as well as notices of original resolutions, shall ordinarily be submitted so as to reach the Secretary at least 15 days before the first day of the conference.
    3. The decision on any amendment or resolution shall be made by a simple majority of the members present at the meeting, provided, however, that no article of the constitution shall be amended unless two-thirds of the persons voting on the proposal have voted in favour of it and as per Art-12 of the societies Reg. Act of 1860.
    4. It shall be open to the Council if it disagrees with any decision reached at the General Meeting to resubmit the same by post to all members of the Association, along with a statement of its reasons for reconsideration. The decision thus obtained (either by a simple or two-thirds majority according as it does not or does relate to a change in the constitution) shall be final.
    5. It shall be open to the Council to place any proposal whether relating to the constitution or not, before the general body for its approval at any time, by post.
    6. Any member may thereupon submit any amendments or objections for the considerations of the Council.
    7. All such amendments and objections shall be placed before the Council which may, with reference thereto, modify their motion in such a manner as may seem fit, or they may resubmit their original motion for vote.
    8. The procedure upon a motion made under the above clause shall be the same as upon an original motion, unless the Council makes it a final motion.
    9. Whether under clause (h) a motion is made as a final motion, the vote recorded by members thereupon, or upon every part thereof, shall be definitive, that is to say, either in the affirmative or negative.
    10. In all cases of a final motion as well as in case of an original motion, or a motion dealt with as such under clause (d) where no amendments or objections are received for consideration, the motion or any part thereof may, in the discretion of the President be declared passed by general body if a majority of members voting have voted in favour thereof, and it shall be declared to be so passed if a majority of members of the Society have voted in favour thereof.
    11. (k) The Council may withdraw any motion at any stage. Provided that no article of the constitution shall be amended unless two-thirds of the persons voting on the proposal have voted in favour of it.
  12. Publications of the Association: The Association shall publish the Bulletin-IAGRG of the Association subject to the availability of funds. Copies of this publication shall be supplied to the members of the Association free of charge, and to non-members at such rates as shall be fixed from time to time.
  13. Financial year: The financial year of the Association shall begin on 1 January and end on 31 December.
  14. Dissolutions: In case the Association is to be dissolved for some reason or other, it should be only by a resolution of the general body in its meeting and as per Art.14 of the Societies Registration Act of 1860.